599 No 599 Spunk 7inch Set (Press Release).Introduction

Recording Label: Sanctuary.
Running Time: 41mins 01secs.
Year: 2007

Recording Company Code: ?
Quality: 10



This is a press release of the Spunk 7" set it has all of the singles that were re-released individualy. It comes with a paper front in a plastic sleeve and a plain white disc.

Track Names:

Single 1.

1. Nookie (Anarchy in the UK) (Side A).

2. Just Me (Iwanna be Me) (Side B).

Single 2.

3. Satellite (Side A).

4. Problems (Side B).

Single 3.

5. Submission (Side A).

6. Seventeen (side B).

Single 4.

7. No Future (God Save the Queen) (Side A).

8. Feelings (No feelings) (Side B).

Single 5.

9. Lots Of Fun (Pretty Vacant) (Side A).

10. Liar (Side B).

Single 6.

11. Who Was it (EMI) (Side A).

12. New York (Lookin For a Kiss) (Side B).

599 front 599 disc

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