66 No 66 Who Killed Nancy. (DVD).
Recording Label: Soda Pictures. |
ISMN: 5051083041652 |
On October 12th 1978 Nancy Spungen, an Ex-prostitute, sometimes stripper and heroin addict was found dead in a bathroom at the chelsea Hotel in New York. She also happened to be the girlfriend of the Sex Pistols bassist Sid Vicious, who was quickly accused of her murder. less than 6 months later, he died of a herion overdose and the case was closed.
The death of Sid and nancy has passed into rock legend and has only added to the controversial and notorious image of the Sex Pistols and punk music.
At the request of Sid's mother, who committed suicide in 1996, rock author and punk expert Alan G Parker has devoted himself to discovering Who Killed Nancy by interviewing 182 people including close friends such as Don Letts and Glen Matlock and re-examining NYPD evidence, he reveals what he believes happened that night in room 100.
It comes with great sleeve and disc artwork. (Thanks Simon).