33 No 33 The Long Lost Videos. (DVD).
Recording Label: Sex Pistols Residuals. |
ISMN: ? |
What a waste this is a great chance that has been missed this DVD has 14 Live Sex Pistols tracks it is the video only the audio has been added. This has during every song a bleeping and message that comes up on the screen that says it is a "Demo Not For Sale" It does come with a great menu but some poor cover and disc artwork. This was supposed to be produced from Dave Goodmans archives from his time with the Sex Pistols.
Track Names.
1. Anarchy in the Uk V1.
2. I Wanna be me.
3. No feelings.
4. Seventeen.
5. Pretty Vacant.
6. Satellite.
7. Submission.
8. New York.
9. problems.
10. God Save the Queen.
11. EMI.
12. Substitute.
13. No Fun.
14. Anarchy in the Uk V2.